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Welfare 2 of 6

2. Codes of Conduct

Coaches should:

Be publicly open when working with children and avoid situations where coach and individual children are completely unobserved.
Not conduct meetings with children while they are changing.
Not be alone in a changing room with children.
Avoid taking children alone on car journeys or home, unless with parent consent.
Never engage in rough activities.
Not carry out sexually provocative games.
Not allow children to use inappropriate language unchallenged.
Not make sexually suggestive comments to a child, even in fun.
Not never do things of a personal nature for children which they are able to do for themselves.
Not Invite or allow children to stay at their house unsupervised.
Make sure bad behaviour by children is challenged and not allow bullying.

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Players should:

Treat others with respect.
Play by the rules.
Be independent and take responsibility for your own decisions on the pitch.
Co-operate with coaches, umpires, team-mates.
Acknowledge, respect and thank officials and opposing players.
Show patience with others.
Accept decisions of umpires or coaches without question.
Never use foul language.
Control their temper and act with dignity at all times.
Wear suitable kit.
Speak out about concerning matters.
Not smoke, consume alcohol, or take drugs when representing the club.
Remember that the aim of the game is to have fun.

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Parents and Spectators should:

Find out what their child wants from the sport.
Encourage ‘playing by the rules’.
Teach their children about honesty and teamwork.
Recognise the value and importance of coaches.
Set an example of being friendly.
Support a child’s involvement.
Remember that good sporting habits fostered now will last a lifetime.
Not force an unwilling child to participate.
Never punish or belittle a child for making a mistake or losing.
Not undermine the authority of coaches or team managers.
Not question publicly the officials’ judgement and honesty.
Never harass, or argue with players, coaches, umpires, or other spectators.

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